God is the light that falls on every one with no distinction. All are welcome!
Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Extra Ordinary Eucharist Ministers (E.M.’s) help Father and Deacon during masses with the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. E.M.’s serve our parish community by giving communion during Mass, to the Homebound, and people in Hospitals. Delegation by the Diocese for Commissioning of E.M.’s is given twice a year on the Solemnities of Corpus Christi and Christ the King. E.M. Commissions have to be renewed every three years. New E.M.’s and those who would like to be commissioned at Holy Family, will need to take a Theology and Technical class. If you are interested in becoming an E.M. for the assembly, hospitals, or those in nursing homes or homebound, please contact Edgar for more Information.

“When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are to be listened to reverently by everyone, for they are an element of the greatest importance in the Liturgy…” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], no. 29).
There is no special requirement to become a lector other than to receive a training session on how to go about proclaiming the word of God with Reverence. If you are interested in becoming a Lector Michele DesLauriers will be providing the training for all new Lectors. Please contact Edgar for more Information.
Before Mass starts, Ushers check the thermostat, check the restrooms, make sure the hymnals are placed correctly, and prepare the baskets for collection and the bulletins for distribution. Ushers are the doorkeepers, greeting each person with a smile and shaking people’s hands as they arrive for Mass, they assist people with special needs and responsible to take up the church offering.

The Altar Servers assist the priests and deacons at liturgy and participate in prayer and worship. This ministry provides the opportunity for the youth of our parish to participate in the sacramental celebrations of the church. The requirement for Altar Servers is that they must have received the sacrament of First Holy Communion and be in the third grade or above. If you would like to become an altar server please contact Deacon Sanchez, Lynn, or Linda.
Computer Clickers
Computer Clickers provide a visual aid to all parishioners during mass. They are responsible for keeping with the timing and Liturgy of the Mass. Computer Clickers advance the presentation slides during responses, prayers, psalms, and announcement of book pages for songs used in Mass. There is no special requirement to help advance presentation slides in Mass, if you can work a remote control you can help advance the slides Mass. If you are interested in helping with this visual ministry, please contact Edgar for more information.

Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is part of Lifelong formation. Lifelong formation includes Catechism, Religious Education, CCD, RCIA, and Youth Ministry. All Children are invited at the 4:30p.m., 9:15a.m. &11a.m. masses to join to Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Some are enrolled in the Go Seek Program and will be receiving their sacraments of First Confession and First Communion at the end of the program in the Spring. If you would like to help, signup your child, or know more about this program please contact Linda or Lynn.
Music Ministry
One of God’s greatest gifts to us, his creation, was the gift of song. In words and music, our ancestors in faith—Moses, David, Deborah, Paul, St. Gregory—have taught us how to revel in God’s infinite love, proclaim his glory, give thanks for his abounding generosity, and plead for mercy and forgiveness. If you are interested in helping with Music Ministry, whether it be in the choir or with a musical instrument, please contact Gypsy.

Men's Group
The Men’s Group is an open group for all men from our community. They meet every Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the Marian Room at the Formation Building.
“We are Catholic men on a spiritual journey who seek to enhance their growth with family, parish and community. We will try to imitate Christ by loving his church in the midst of our human challenges, and seek his guidance in our daily lives.” (Holy Family Men’s Group Mission Statement)
If you would like to know more about the Men’s Group please contact Randy Muniz at 719-240-8483
Legion of Mary
We invite you to join us in our meeting either on:
Sundays at 9a.m. or on
Mondays at 9a.m.
Meeting Venue: Marian Room in The Church Office Building
Who Can Be A Member?
All Practicing Catholic: Seniors, Adults, Youths, Religious, etc.
The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church … pope John XXIII
What Is The Legion Of Mary?
The Legion of Mary is a Catholic organization, who, under the powerful leadership of Mary, give services to the Church and to their neighbor on a voluntary basis. Legion members perform/assist with the following services: visit Nursing Homes, visit the Homebound, Evangelization, Jail Ministry, Eucharistic Ministry, Religious Education, Make and distribute Rosaries, Scapulars, etc., The legion of Mary is active in over 160 countries, and it is the largest lay apostolate organization in the Catholic Church
Membership is open to those who belong to the catholic community and believe in its teaching. Its stated mission is for active members to serve God under the banner of Mary by the corporal and spiritual works of Mercy.
The members of the Legion are engaged primarily in the performance of spiritual works of mercy, rather than works of material aid. For more info. please contact Re-anne Lucero at 719-561-2161.